Is it possible to make a fortune, boast of wealth and luxury, and grumble about a lack of money? Could you. It was done by TVP star Magdalena Ogórek, changing like a flag in the wind.

Magdalena Ogórek is a character as colorful as a rainbow, although she prefers to stay away from the rainbow. Today, she is a TVP star and a staunch supporter of PiS power, and publicly advocates controversial and highly conservative views. Only a few years ago, Ms. Ojurik tried her hand at domestic politics by running for the presidential elections on behalf of the Left Democratic Left Party. However, we have long known that in the case of this particular person, opinions depend on the direction of the wind. and future prospects.

Everyone knows that Magdalena Ogórek is changeable, and everyone also knows that she is doing quite well in her life. A woman does not hide her wealth, but rather dazzles it. She does not try to be modest, she buys clothes and accessories from the most expensive luxury brands such as Chanel or Dior and carries a BMW for a quarter of a million. But now she complains that she is…too poor.

Magdalena Ogórek is short of money

How much does Magdalena Ogórek earn on TVP, it is not known – Jacek Kurski diligently guards the secret of his employees. The woman also has other sources of income, and a year ago it was rumored in Poland that she annually receives about half a million zlotys (about 40 thousand zlotys per month). But it turns out that all this is not enough. Despite the fancy cars and dresses, she still couldn’t afford what she wanted.

The poor woman just complained to Instagram fans that she cannot fulfill the dream of her only daughter, because it is beyond her financial reach. As part of a Q&A session on Instastories, she answered fans’ questions, including about her 17-year-old son’s plans. It turned out that the teenager had already chosen her dream field of study and university. She is so good in Poland that she does not intend to continue her education here. She dreams of Great Britain and the prestigious Oxford. Unfortunately, that’s too much for her poor mother’s wallet.

You would like to study history and politics at Oxford, but the current cost of these studies (post-Brexit) is out of reach.

– Magdalena Ogórek complains on Instagram. She declares that she and her daughter will have to compromise. Still, there is no doubt about studying in Poland. – We will conduct research at universities in Austria and Italy. The University of Milan has very good reviews. So far, in 3 weeks’ time, he’s traveling to Oxford for what’s called a short summer semester – Ogórek writes in Instastories.

It is estimated that a year of study at Oxford varies between 140 and 200 thousand zlotys (£ 26-37 thousand). There is, of course, the cost of living in Great Britain, which is higher than in Poland. For Magdalena Ugorek, who earns 500 thousand PLN a year, this is actually a lot of expense. Especially that in the election of the year and if PiS does not win them, the government’s propaganda may say goodbye to work in TVP.

Magdalena Ogorek complains of a lack of funds