Film franchises give the power of modern Hollywood. WX muse is full of sequels, sub-shows, and crossovers that fill the pockets of owners of the biggest brands with money. Analysts have examined the series we like the most and which we hate the most.

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We all know what Hollywood looks like. The audience loves a certain movie, the cigar producer directs a sequel, then three sequels, then it’s time for spin-offs, and possibly crossovers. Yes, the Dream Factory has found a way to reach our wallets, exploiting the same idea indefinitely. We see familiar titles on movie posters, and only the numbers or subtitles change. And while we often complain about the following bits of our favorite songs, it’s not always completely bad. analysts have examined the critical and commercial reception of the biggest movie franchises. Using specific movie scores and full series on RottenTomatoes and their box office earnings, they’ve created a list of the best and worst-received series. For this reason, we already know that Toy Story is the greatest artistic success.

The franchise’s top 10 most liked movies (with average scores on RottenTomatoes):

  1. Toy Story – 99%
  2. Where is Nemo? 97%
  3. The Incredibles – 96%
  4. How to train your dragon – 94%
  5. Lord of the Rings 93%
  6. Guardians of the Galaxy 89%
  7. The Dark Knight – 88%
  8. John Wick – 88%
  9. Planet of the Apes (2011-2017) – 88%
  10. Monsters & Co. – 88%
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The animated series is dominated by the most popular of the franchises. The situation is different in the most disliked. Casting privileges reign supreme there, although there is a place for “Ice Age” or “Alvin and the Chipmunks”.

The 10 Most Disliked Movies (with average scores on RottenTomatoes):

  1. Medea – 20%
  2. Alvin and the Chipmunks – 30%
  3. Mummy – 34%
  4. Transformers – 40%
  5. The Twilight Saga – 40%
  6. Peak hours – 44%
  7. Kac Vegas – 44%
  8. Rambo – 45%
  9. Night at the museum – 45%
  10. Ice Age – 47%

The lowest rated films in the history of popular franchises are shown in the following image:

The worst movies in the popular franchises /

Even the most popular movie series has unfortunate accidents. We are all waiting for more productions under the MCU or “Star Wars” brand, but sometimes they don’t get the expected profits. The first such franchise to date grossed more than $ 8.5 billion over all 23 titles. The worst-earning franchise is “The Amazing Hulk,” which has “barely” less than $ 265 million in its account. In the case of “Star Wars” the worst performance was “The Clone Wars,” which earned just over $ 68 million. Looking at these numbers, it’s easy to guess that these aren’t the biggest box office rhetoric mistakes in popular franchises.

The top 3 box office incidents in popular franchises:

  1. Batman (1966) – $ 1.7 million
  2. The Adventures of Chipmunks – $ 6.8 million
  3. Battle for the Planet of the Apes – $ 8.8 million
Box office franchise
Box Office’owe bomby we franczyzach /

Despite the unfortunate incidents, Hollywood continues to exploit old ideas and introduce us to new sequels, spin-offs, and crossovers. There is no such momentum for the franchise in Polish cinematography, but if we do a similar analysis on its basis, they will likely stalk the title of the most popular movie series “Psy” with “Pitbull”, and all adaptations will watch the Sienkiewicz trilogy with an ironic smile. And we know which of these is the worst.