“According to the British government, in each of the scenarios analyzed for what relations between Great Britain and the European Union will look like after Brexit, Great Britain’s economic growth will be weaker than in the case of remaining in the EU. An extreme scenario of leaving the EU without a contract will lead GDP would be 9.3 percent lower than if there had been no Brexit. The entry into force of the negotiated agreement with the European Union would reduce GDP by 3.9 Brock.. – Economists from PKO BP write.

On Wednesday, Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond admitted that Brexit would have negative consequences for the economy. However, he has maintained that the Brexit deal cuts losses, and preserves the political benefits of Brexit. Hammond conducted a series of interviews ahead of the scheduled release south of the economic simulation to explore the potential economic impact of different negotiation scenarios with the EU.

“If the only reference point is the economy, then the analysis clearly shows that staying (for the UK) in the EU would be a better solution,” said the Chancellor of the Exchequer, noting, however, that “the agreement worked. by the Prime Minister (Theresa May). ) very close to the economic benefits related to maintaining “membership” in the community.