Given his competence, diligence, courage and ability to say “I’m sorry,” the chief of the prime minister’s chancellery, Mikhao Durkzyk, works out of reach for many politicians – Deputy Foreign Minister Shimon Senkovsky aka Sk Books on Friday.

According to Deputy Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mikhao Durkzyk, “because of his competence, diligence, courage and ability to say ‘I’m sorry + (…) he works in a space that is far from reach for many politicians.'”

Szynkowski Vel Sęk wrote on Twitter: “Yesterday they had a chance and attacked for the first time. When they encountered Mechay’s gigantic business, they were hideous.”

To dismiss the chief of the prime minister’s chancellery, the government commissioner for vaccination, Mikhao Dwarczyk, due to Thursday’s confusion with the vaccination registration, Prime Minister Mattios Murawiecki, among others, called on Labor leader Boris Budka, who assessed that Minister Dworczyk had lost his credibility.

Thursday morning, Minister Dworczyk informed the RMF FM that there is open registration for people over the age of 60, but that registration has slowed, so the government decided to start registering people between the ages of 40 and 60, who announced their readiness for vaccination in January.

In a subsequent press conference, Dworczyk admitted that due to a bug in the system, some people between the ages of 40 and 59 had signed up for vaccination dates in April, and as he confirmed – these people were scheduled to have dates in May. Therefore, the recording was suspended for several hours; Each person should be called in by a consultant or machine that suggests an appointment in the second half of May.

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When the Prime Minister’s Chancellery was asked about his political responsibility for the confusion with the registration of vaccinations for those between the ages of 40 and 59 and the opposition’s demands for the necessity of resignation, he replied: “Regarding my responsibility, I am always at the disposal of the master of course, I can change my duties at any time.

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