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May 4, 2021, 21:35

Sunset Overdrive is registered with Sony with the US Intellectual Property Office. There has been speculation about a possible PS5 release.

Quick overview:

  1. Sony has registered with the US Trademark Intellectual Property Office Sunset Overdrive.

Sony has successfully registered a trademark Sunset Overdrive, Which led to speculation about a possible release of an updated version on PlayStation 5. The game originally only appeared on Xbox One (years later it also moved to PC), so it would be a minor event for many.

Be the first to notify a Twitter user about the status of the alias levelWhoever reads the application submitted and approved before U.S. Intellectual Property Office (USPTO). However, just registering doesn’t mean anything We cannot rule out that Sony and Insomniac Games will want to update this production in the future. We might hope Port Resera Sunset OverdriveDrew Murray, to an American company after many years in The Coalition.

The game made its debut on Xbox One in 2014, and despite the somewhat warm reception by reviewers and players, it was not a huge success. It was the second after fuse It is a production released by Insomniac Games outside of Sony’s pavilions. In 2018, the titles will also appear on PC.

Although copyright Sunset Overdrive Owned by Microsoft, the brand has remained in studio hands, around looking at They themselves are interested in three years. Thanks to this move, Sony could have taken charge in 2019 Buy zesp Insomniac Games za $ 229 million.

  1. Sunset Overdrive official website
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