He also passed away Foreign Minister Nico PopescuThe recruitment attempts confirmed by the authorities are aimed at sending men recruited by the Russians to fight in southern Ukraine “because of the geographical location of Moldova”.

– Such actions do not serve peace (…) and are very dangerous. Popescu emphasized that they should be stopped.

In recent days, the Moldovan media have quoted the advertisements they have published Russians in TransnistriaThat was to encourage the inhabitants of the region to participate in the invasion of Ukraine.

On February 24, Russia launched a 50-day-old invasion of Ukraine. But the Russians encountered enormous resistance. The initial hostilities in the north of the country not only brought Russia a quick victory, but also led to a fiasco. Then Russian forces withdrew from northern Ukraine to regroup and move to the east and southeast of the country. It is in this area that all efforts of the Russian army are currently concentrated.

An attempt to recruit troops in Transnistria Another element of Russia’s strategy. The Ukrainian side had said earlier that the Russians had problems with a sufficient number of soldiers for such a large military operation, as well as numerous problems with military supplies. To help the Russians came, among other things, the so-called Kadyrovtsy, or Chechen armed units. However, this is one of the few examples of Russian support.


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