Patriarch Cyril I fell through MassDuring that the temple was consecrated. A video showing the entire event was posted on the network. It was published on the “Rise” channel on Telegram, and it also originally appeared on the Soyuz TV channel, but it was deleted from it, according to the American Daily.

During the mass, an orthodox clergyman suddenly slipped on the marble floor, lost his balance and fell. Other clergymen who had gathered around him came to his aid. A patriarch who was wearing a liturgical outfit would find it difficult to get up on his own.

The priest had to be slightly injured.

The Patriarch wounded his back on the edge of the pulpit

– says Andrei Korayev, one of the initial posters, citing the American Daily Newspaper.

The video shows how they all gathered at some distance from Cyril I. Only when he falls do they run to help him. As Anderej Cragio explains, it’s about the epidemic.

The coronavirus restrictions are to blame, the patriarch prevented from allowing himself to be touched and caught on the stairs

– He adds.

Cyril himself commented on the fall a few hours later. – Just because I signed up today doesn’t mean anything. Quite simply – a wonderful floor, you can look at it (…), but when it rains, even holy water, the laws of physics work – said the patriarch. He stressed that the matter went “without any consequences.”

Patriarch Cyril I was famous for his statements that angered public opinion more than once. At the beginning of May this year. He stated, inter alia, that Russia had never attacked Ukraine. The Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia openly supports the invasion of Ukraine.

Russia has never attacked anyone. It is amazing that a great and powerful country never attacked anyone, only defended its borders

– He said, citing RIA Novosti.

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Britain imposed sanctions on the cleric for his support and approval of Putin’s aggression.

Sources: Nexta, The American Daily

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