In the fifth month of the all-out Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin is looking for interlocutors in the West. The former head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, Pavlo Klimkin, said that Putin’s representatives will try different ways to influence the US and European authorities.

Putin is thirsty for negotiations. Putin’s representatives are trying to reach the United States and Europe through various semi-secret and secret channels and say: ‘Let’s somehow come to an agreement. It will be as useful to us as to you. ” Klimkin said in an interview with Ukrainian radio that they are afraid of the energy and food crisis and many other crises. The diplomat noted that Putin will focus more on the need to negotiate in the fall, because that will be the best moment for him – there will be a leap in energy and food prices.

Lavrov’s wonderful reception in the West

On July 8, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov left the G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia prematurely. He spoke of “angry russophobia” and accused other diplomats of rudeness.

Sergei Lavrov from Indonesia said: – If the West does not want negotiations, but Ukraine’s victory over Russia on the battlefield, then perhaps there is nothing to talk about with the West, because such an approach does not allow Ukraine to move to the peace process.

At the end of May, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, announced during his speech in Davos that he wanted to talk directly with Vladimir Putin. He also indicated a condition that Russia must meet in order for negotiations to be possible. He stressed that if the Russian president “understands reality”, there is a possibility to find a diplomatic way out of the conflict. The President of Ukraine declared that his country would fight until it regained all its territory, and indicated that the Kremlin should withdraw its forces to the positions before February 24, that is, the start of the invasion. – This may be the first step towards talks – he stressed, adding that Russia is playing against time in negotiations with Kyiv.

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