There is agreement in Europe regarding the relationship between Great Britain and the European Union after Brexit. In the United States, President Trump changed his mind and nonetheless signed up to new shield regulations to combat the crisis. Investors are returning to the markets after the optimistic holiday. There was no break in Bitcoin trading, so this digital currency broke the record again. Today in Warsaw, we will be watching again CD Projekt’s actions and reactions. This time, for the news that US law firms are preparing for class action against the Cyberpunk producer.

The United Kingdom and the European Union agreed on December 24 what their relationship would look like after Brexit and after the transition period that ends at the end of this year. Today, European Union ambassadors from member states are meeting in Brussels to express their views About This contains 1246 pages of the document. To enter into force, it must be approved by the member states of the European Union (at the level of the European Council, without the need for their parliaments to be involved), and by the European Parliament, in London, Britain. Parliament must also give its approval. All of this is set to happen in the coming days, even though the announcement shows it The European Parliament will not accept the agreement until early January.