Health Minister Adam Nidzelsky said Friday that the Family High Care Program, in the area of ​​determining the risk of malignancy, is not limited, but has been redefined.

During the press conference held on Friday after meeting with Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and the Covid Council, Minister Nedzelsk was asked why the Ministry of Health suspended the implementation of the High Families Care Program, in the field of determining the risk of malignancy.

“In recent years, we have carried out a lot of genetic tests, first of all we have increased the panel of genetic tests, which are checked at birth, including the detection of SMA,” – said the head of the Ministry of Health.

He noted that the inheritance agenda had been “redefined”. He stressed that “there is no restriction.”

As part of the multi-year National Oncology Strategy (NSO) programme, the “Program for Care of Families with High Genetic Risk of Malignancy” has been implemented in Poland for several years. It was scheduled to be implemented until the end of 2021. Its work was extended until August 2022. According to A. Jan Lubiński, the Ministry of Health and the National Health Fund are updating the program formula. (PAP)

Authors: Magdalena Gronek, Szymon Zdzieśmieowski

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