The James Webb Space Telescope has been in space for more than half a year and has gone through a very complex stage of preparation for the start of scientific work. NASA is expected to release the first images to that effect on July 12. A preview of them was recently published. The agency has now made a list of the things we’ll see first:

  • Carina NebulaIt is one of the largest and brightest nebulae in the sky, and is located at about 7.6 thousand. light years from us

  • WASP-96 B (Ghost), i.e. a large gas planet outside the solar system. The facility is about 1.15 thousand. light years

  • Southern Ring NebulaWhich is about 2000. light-years away from us. It’s an expanding cloud of gas surrounding a dying star

  • Stephan quintetA group of galaxies about 290 million light-years from Earth

  • SMEX 0723 – Huge clusters of galaxies

Photo: NASA

James Webb Space Telescope

The James Webb Space Telescope will allow us to see different objects in the universe with a whole new perspective. We also know that part of the time for scientific work (in the first year it will be 7%) will be devoted to the study of the nearest corner of space, that is, the solar system.

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