Dr. Timotiz Zetsch, Vice President of the Urdu Juris Institute, was recently elected to the European Union’s Economic and Social Committee. Opposition MPs Siluia Sporec and Robert Pedro did not like this. Both politicians They asked for a blockage Ziyech worked on the committee.

“There is one accusation: in their opinion, there is no place for conservatives in the bodies of the European Union,” the lawyer wrote on Twitter.

Members of the European Parliament are defending Dr. Ziyech

Some members of the European Parliament defended the lawyer. A group of 26 European politicians from different countries and factions in the European Parliament wrote a letter demanding the defense Polish interests and expresses its opposition to attempts to violate the treaties and values ​​of the European Union.

The letter has been signed before Representatives from the European Conservative and Reform faction, including Professor. Ryszard Legotka, A. Zdzisław Krasnodębski, Elżbieta Rafalska, Anna Zalewska, Beata Kempa, Ryszard Czarnecki, Patryk Jaki, as well as MEPs from Lithuania, Estonia, Spain, Germany and Austria.

Members of the Hungarian Fidesz organization also sent a letter on the matter expressing their concern about the actions taken against Dr. Actions are bent.

Censorship of views

The special statement stressed that “members of the EESC are appointed by the Council of the European Union and that treaties do not provide for a procedure to separate them. The rights of members cannot be restricted on the basis of their views – especially in full compliance with the European Union. And national law.”

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Still, Dr. Ziyech will The management of the EESC Group of NGOs listened to him to explain his views on ethical and political issues. it’s a A precedent in the history of the EESC that has existed since 1957.

The accusations against Dr. Ziyech also affect art. 300 seconds 4 of the European Union Labor Treaty, in which we read the following “cMembers of the Economic and Social Committee and the Regions Committee are not bound by any instructions. They are completely independent in performing their functions in the general interest of the Federation. “

The fact that Dr. Zek has different views of MPs on the left is not a conflict of interest. Difference of opinion is the basis of democracy. Attempting to elicit negative consequences against a member of the European Union body as she defends the Polish legal system is an unprecedented case – said one of the initiators of the list, MEP Patrick Jackie.

In a recent interview with the portal DoRzeczy.pl, Dr. Zych described the whole situation and argued so The accusations raised by Sporick and Pedroach are absurd.

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