Flight W65747 from London Gatwick to Larnaca, Cyprus is significantly delayed. According to the information provided by FlightRadar24, it was almost four hours compared to the planned departure time, i.e. 20:00.

At some point, the angry crew of the waiting machine could not stand the behavior of the passengers.

The annoyed pilot shouted at the passengers. “You can go down”

One cruise passenger showed that the passengers were visibly unruly. They got up from their seats and walked around the deck without masks. However, the pilot’s verbal sermon impressed them.

If you don’t want to go tonight, you can go down. I don’t need it, and neither do my crew. It is completely out of our control. If you want to get off, we’ll let you, no problem – said the pilot loudly.

Netizens comment on the pilot’s behavior. “I’m on his side”

The passengers heard the unusual message with their mouths open and were completely surprised by this turn of events. In turn, in the comments under the recording, many viewers decided that the dissatisfied captain was right.

“Actually, I’m on his side! He’s probably too nervous and his crew is exhausted!”We read: “Honestly, I don’t blame him for that. After the lockdown, people are totally wild.”

Delay epidemic. Problems at Gatwick Airport

Aircraft departing from Gatwick are experiencing increasing delays. Over the past week – according to FlightRadar24 – it has averaged three to four hours.

The statement stated that Wizz Air sincerely apologizes for the inconvenience caused by the delay of flight W95749 from Gatwick to Larnaca.

As we explained, the landing of the next plane is delayed firstAnd then there were problems with air traffic control at London Gatwick Airport.

Source: nzherald.co.nz

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