Paintings containing the basics of sign language have appeared at more than a dozen bus stops in Biasha.

Posters appeared on shelters at fifteen Biasha bus stops. It includes the Polish alphabet of the finger and some basic expressions in sign language.

The point is that residents can learn the basics of sign language, but also pay attention to the fact that deaf people live among us – He says Katarzyna Japonska, interpreter and lecturer in sign languageThat participated in the implementation of this project. – We often learn different foreign languages ​​- German, French, or Chinese – and do not learn sign language that we can speak to the people around us. – He adds.

Thanks to the paintings at the bus stops, we can learn, among other things, how to say hello to the deaf. – When meeting a deaf person, try to at least sign “good morning” for them. This is how we treat our neighbors, even those we don’t know very well, so why not say “Good morning” to a deaf person – says Katarzyna Jabońska.

At first glance, sign language can seem difficult to learn. As Katarzina Jabonska argues, this should not discourage us. – We learn this language through play and it can be learned at any age. My youngest students are preschoolers and the oldest is over 70 – He says.

Billboards containing the basics of sign language at Piła’s bus stops are one of Piła’s civic budget tasks. – We asked in what form to complete this task. Initially, they were supposed to be billboards created in different parts of the city, but eventually we decided to stop them so that the people waiting for the bus could use that time to learn sign language. – says Bartosh Mirowski from the town hall in Pella. – The initiative belongs to the Association for the Impaired and Hearing “Migacze” in Pia with the association “Give joy to the handicapped” – He adds.

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Piła was one of the first cities in Poland to provide sign language translation for broadcasts from city council meetings. In 2018, Pia residents also set a record for simultaneous flashing.

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We have a record! Hundreds of people flashed in Pella [VIDEO]

Photo, Bella’s life

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Let’s flash together. Learn sign language at the stations in Bayaa.