In 14,071 elementary schools in grades 1-3, education Monday was conducted in full-time mode – it reports to MEiN, saying it’s 97.4 percent. Elementary schools in 15 Voivodeship. In 47 primary schools in grades 1-3, it was distance learning, and in 325 – co-ed.

Statistics for schools cover 15 districts, with the exception of Warmińsko-Mazurskie, where Monday schools are taught remotely only.

The Ministry of Education and Science also announced that 15,040 kindergartens and pre-school educational institutions were operating in the housing on Friday, which is 98.3 percent. who are they. 66 kindergartens are working remotely and 194 kindergartens in mixed mode. The data is for the whole country – kindergartens are open in all regions.

This status data shows from Monday at 13.00 and comes from school principals.

The Board of Directors decides on the transition of a preschool school, kindergarten or educational institution to another unstable mode of work, with the consent of Sanepid, after the epidemic situation in the institution is recognized.

As MEiN confirms, the situation is being monitored in primary schools and kindergartens.

On January 18, when students of grades 1-3 from elementary schools and private schools (who were learning remotely from November 9), they returned to full-time education, and full-time education was conducted in 14,383 primary schools, that is, in 99.6% of the total . who are they.

The fall semester suspension of full-time classes did not apply to kindergarten, primary school pre-school classes and other forms of preschool education. Preschoolers returned to full-time education at the end of May last year.

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On January 18, 15,222 kindergartens and pre-school educational institutions were put into operation in static mode, that is, 99.5 percent. who are they.

Students in grades four through eight of elementary and high schools learn remotely beginning October 26.

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