The Russian leader appeared in Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior Accompanied by the mayor of Moscow, Sergey Sobyanin He participated in a prayer celebrated by the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Patriarch Cyril I..

“Technical Intervention Lines”?

Siegodnia poses thesis Russian President Vladimir Putin Filmed to record blank a churchIt was later included in the service registry. In some cadres, besides Putin, there is only the mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin. At one time, says Segodnya, Putin did not appear next to Sobyanin. Internet users also see “strips of technical interference” near the hand of the Russian leader.

It’s not the first Movie With the participation of Putin, which caused such controversy. Putin is afraid of an attack, so he prefers not to appear where there are a lot of people. – She claims Siegodnia.

The portal is similar to the registration from March 5, when president Russia was scheduled to meet with pilots and flight attendants from Russian Airlines. Then it was noticed that his hand was “passing through the microphone” who was standing at the table. According to netizens, the two films were shot at different times and then “glued.”

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