The Atlantic Salmon Farmer won its second award after switching from air to sea.

SORVÁGUR, Faroe Islands, Dec. 21, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The family-owned Hiddenfjord from the Faroe Islands, which supplies fresh salmon to North America and Europe, has won the award. 2021 SEAL Business Sustainability Award. Hiddenfjord was awarded SEAL (an acronym for Sustainability, Environmental Achievement and Leadership) in the Environmental Initiatives category to significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions related to transportation, which are down 94%, then as in the last year, the company changed the way transportation from air to sea.

“Our core value is sustainability, and our core belief is that what we do today should not be an obstacle to our future,” said Attlee Grigersen, owner and CEO of Hiddenfjord. We humbly accept this award, recognizing that we must all take on a greater responsibility to bring about change today. As current stewards of the planet, we owe it to future generations not just to talk about sustainable development, but to take direct steps toward its creation.”

Hiddenfjord ceased using air transportation in October 2020, making it the first salmon farmer in the world to focus solely on more sustainable transportation. in a The film was published on the occasion of the anniversary From this historic event, the company described how to use ocean cargo ship Providing customers with fresh salmon has significantly reduced their carbon footprint.

At the same time, Hiddenfjord’s leadership in environmental protection is confirmed by the Outstanding British Business Awards. The company won Gold Award in the category of Corporate Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection. Gregersen also received a nomination as Business Manager of the Year under Eddy Awards for Sustainability LeadersOne of the UK’s most prestigious sustainability awards. This nomination is based on Hiddenfjord’s work in animal welfare and sustainability over the past 30 years. An example of this is the unique stress-free trapping system and large smols rearing on land, which reduces the duration of salmon survival in the ocean and thus reduces the risk of sea lice. Together with the Faroe Islands authorities, Hiddenfjord continues to advocate for strict and rational veterinary legislation in the Faroe Islands and inspires other livestock countries to adopt similar legislation.

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Winners will be announced on February 2, 2022.

Hidden Fjord

Dating back to 1887, Hiddenfjord is a family owned salmon farm located in the Faroe Islands, with an emphasis on high quality, sustainable fishing practices. More information is available at

Photo –

Source: Hiddenfjord


Contessa Kellogg Winters

Email: [email protected]

Information source: PR Newswire

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