Audi cars are especially loved by tuning companies around the world. Some offer their customers packages that include a significant increase in power, such as Wheelsandmore, whose engineers have increased the power of the RS6 engine to 1,010 hp (an increase of nearly 400 hp).

The five-cylinder under the hood of the RS3 and the 2.5-liter RS ​​Q3 doesn’t seem to like the “bigger changes.” Most recently, the 1100 hp RS3 limousine burned out after an illegal duel with McLaren and Nissan.

Meanwhile, we have heard of a similar incident from Great Britain. RS3 Limousine Bu tuningu Fixed Eventuri It was the fastest RS3 in England with a maximum power convergence 850 hp. This is an increase of 450 hp, which translated into the possibility of reaching a top speed of 340 km / h.

> This is what a 7-year-old Audi RS3 looks like with gas in the ground: It almost ate the highway (video)

Audi RS3 Eventuri (poser)

Unfortunately RS3 after setting I got burned while driving on local roads. No one was injured in the accident, but according to the driver’s report, a fire broke out in the engine. It is not known if the driver used the full potential of his car before the German car exploded.

He puts an Audi RS3 engine in the Golf R and wants nearly 320,000 for it: he even left the RS7 behind