The study titled “Missed Opportunities?” Conducted by the Guild of Education and Science (GEW). “Thousands of teachers from abroad are forbidden to teach in schools” – criticized the authors of the study. It shows that “from about 2500 Orders To recognize the education that immigrant teachers have received in another country, only roughly 500 — or 20 percent — is recognised, explained study author Roman George. “Our estimates show that from year to year, as many as 1,375 immigrant teachers across the country could become fully qualified to teach,” he stressed.

This potential is being “wasted” by states, even though the demand for teachers is increasing, particularly in an immigrant community with a “diverse and diverse student community”. GEW President Mike Wienern warns that Germany faces a major teacher shortage. Over the next 10 years, 250,000 jobs will likely be short. teachers ”- she said.

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Analyze qualifications, not experience

On the other hand, George points out that there is a “North-South trend” in the willingness to recognize the qualifications of immigrant teachers. Study author.

There is, for example, an “accurate” analysis of the qualifications of immigrant teachers and teacher candidates in Germany, but their “professional experience is rarely recognized at all”. Moreover, foreign teachers are often required to have “close knowledge of German” as teachers from EU countries have “much better opportunities” than teachers from outside the community, for example from Syria. Another problem is that, unlike in other countries, teachers in Germany must be able to teach two subjects.

More transparent procedures are needed

Veneren calls for the recognition of the qualifications of immigrant teachers to be more transparent. Only then, in her opinion, will it be possible to provide them with suitable employment opportunities. She stressed that it should also be easier to obtain additional qualifications.

According to the survey, in 2016-2018 in Germany, at least 12 thousand people received counseling. People who wanted their foreign qualifications to be recognized for teaching. In the same period, 7,365 initial applications for recognition of foreign qualifications were registered. However, only 11 percent of them (annual average) were found to be “completely equivalent” to qualifications obtained in Germany, 17 percent of people received negative decisions, and 68 percent had to take measures aimed at equalizing their qualifications with qualifications obtained in Germany. Germany. Germany.

According to the president of GEW, the aptitude tests and “Courses adaptive “must be more suited to the needs of the applicants You are teachers in Germany. Many people with immigrant backgrounds are often reluctant to incur the high costs of recognizing and upgrading qualifications. For this reason, support must be increased through subsidies at the federal and provincial levels.


The article comes from the site German wave