Police officers, often along with health personnel, carry out activities aimed at preventing the spread of the coronavirus, checking compliance with health restrictions in places with large numbers of people, or on public transport. They also screen people in quarantine to ensure they comply with it.

The best video news from Radom can be found on our YouTube channel – here

Every day, police officers check how people are complying with the restrictions imposed to reduce the spread of the coronavirus. Shopping centers, shops, public transport and all places where residents congregate, such as markets, are subject to special supervision. The officers remind: We still have to remember that, according to the regulations in force, in the above places it is always necessary to cover the mouth and nose with a mask.

PGlucyBkYXRhLXJldml2ZS16b25laWQ9IjciIGRhdGEtcmV2aXZlLWlkPSI0NGIxNzY0MWJjOTg4OTU5NmEyZDdiN2ZkNTRiNWZlNSI + PC9pbnM + PHNjcmlwdCBhc3luYyBzcmM9Ii8vci5jb3phZHppZW4ucGwvc2VydmVyL3d3dy9kZWxpdmVyeS9hc3luY2pzLnBocCI + + PC9zY3JpcHQ

PGlucyBkYXRhLXJldml2ZS16b25laWQ9IjciIGRhdGEtcmV2aXZlLWlkPSI0NGIxNzY0MWJjOTg4OTU5NmEyZDdiN2ZkNTRiNWZlNSI + PC9pbnM + PHNjcmlwdCBhc3luYyBzcmM9Ii8vci5jb3phZHppZW4ucGwvc2VydmVyL3d3dy9kZWxpdmVyeS9hc3luY2pzLnBocCI + + PC9zY3JpcHQ


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, uniforms, often with cleaners, will continue to dominate areas subject to restrictions. In case of disregard, restrictions in the form of fines or requests for punishment will be applied to the court.

PGlucyBkYXRhLXJldml2ZS16b25laWQ9IjQxIiBkYXRhLXJldml2ZS1pZD0iNDRiMTc2NDFiYzk4ODk1OTZhMmQ3YjdmZDU0YjVmZTUiPjwvaW5zPg0KPHNjcmlwdCBhc3luYyBzcmM9Ii8vci5jb3phZHppZW4ucGwvc2VydmVyL3d3dy9kZWxpdmVyeS9hc3luY2pzLnBocCI + + PC9zY3JpcHQ

PGlucyBkYXRhLXJldml2ZS16b25laWQ9IjQxIiBkYXRhLXJldml2ZS1pZD0iNDRiMTc2NDFiYzk4ODk1OTZhMmQ3YjdmZDU0YjVmZTUiPjwvaW5zPg0KPHNjcmlwdCBhc3luYyBzcmM9Ii8vci5jb3phZHppZW4ucGwvc2VydmVyL3d3dy9kZWxpdmVyeS9hc3luY2pzLnBocCI + + PC9zY3JpcHQ

Czd / KGP

You can find the latest news from Radom and the region on the CoZaDzien.pl profile on Facebook – here

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