kick It is a 2014 movie directed by Saji Nadiadvala that revolves around the life of Devi Lal Singh with an inconsistent standard of living trying to find pleasure, also known as a “kick” in everything he does. In the end he became a thief and named him “Satan”. You know where it was kick Filmed.

Firing zones


Sajid Nadiwala and his team visited South Korea in September 2011 after receiving an invitation from the Korea Tourism Organization. He has signed a contract with KTO under which he will be making some parts of his films, including kick In the country, according to Hindustan Times.


According to IMDb reports, the film started its first programming in Scotland in 2013. The car crash scene and helicopter crash scene were filmed in Glasgow, Scotland.


Several movie scenes were filmed in Mahboob Studios and Film City in Mumbai, India. Filming had to be suspended for a week, according to IMDb, as film company workers and allied Mazdoor Syndicate workers went on strike after Sajid refused to pay a shift and a half wage. The workers only resumed firing after Sajid paid their wages a week later.


The building that appears at the climax of the movie is the Palace of Culture and Science. The movie climax was filmed in Poland, and the building where the climax took place was filmed in Warsaw. Here is the video kick Movie sites in Poland.

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A kick action movie

kick It is the story of a psychiatrist named Shayna, played by Jacqueline Fernandez, who talks to a cop named Himanshu, played by Randeep Hood, about her past relationship with the Devil, an eccentric man whose life was driven by the need to “kick” or “kick,” an adrenaline rush. He breaks up with Shanina because her kick never comes back. Himanshu realizes that he has finally made it to his match. However, few know that Satan, the one who persecuted him, was the same person who broke China’s heart. The movie’s sequel, titled Kick 2, is set to land soon.

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