Donald Trump In a meeting with residents of Anchorage, Alaska, he decided to mock the climate crisis. former President of the United States questioned it again Climate change caused by human activity. Politician In his speeches he contradicts scientifically proven claims and repeats lies.

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Donald Trump mocks climate change. “We’ll have more homes on the beach.”

I have heard that the oceans will rise by an eighth of an inch in the next three hundred years. We have bigger problems than this – said the former president of the people of Alaska. In one of the cities of this state, already in 2016, it was decided to displace the population inland due to the warming of the climate, which causes the erosion of the areas in which they inhabit. Expenses Then the resettlement of only 25 families was estimated at 180 million dollar. According to data from the Department of Housing and Urbanization, in 2016, about 200 cities in Alaska were at risk flood and erosion.

– We will have a few houses on the beach, which is not the worst thing in the world – Donald Trump said Saturday night. The politician uses similar phrases at almost every meeting he campaigned for, for example in February of this year. “His problem is that he doesn’t think about global warming at all. These people don’t live in the real world,” the journalist wrote.does not depend on“.

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Donald Trump also announced during the meeting his support for the “legendary” Sarah Palin, who is running for a seat in the US House of Representatives. The politician herself took the floor later. – We love you. We want you to come back, Palin said.

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Climate change is exacerbated by heavy rainfall and drought

Extreme weather events – torrential rain on the one hand and heat waves on the other – are among the predicted effects of climate change from scientists. While the annual total of precipitation may not change, their distribution will be different: the number of precipitation is short-lived and intense, resulting in more floods, and droughts are possible over longer periods in between. In addition, heavy rainfall does not withstand drought as well as water quickly drains into the waterways.

In the document prepared by the Warsaw City Council on adaptation to climate change, we read that in the years 1981-2013 “the number of days with heavy rainfall increased and higher and higher values ​​of the precipitation unit were recorded”. An example is the rainfall in the capital in June 2020, when within a few hours an amount of rain equal to the average monthly rainfall fell. In addition, lack of water retention and urban concrete add to the effects of these heavy rains and contribute to flooding of streets and buildings. Another example is the Lodzki province, which is threatened by severe desertification and at the same time by flooding in the valleys of the largest rivers of the region.

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You can read more about the effects of the climate crisis and the solutions we have to combat it