99.7% Kindergartens and preschool education institutions 97.7%. Elementary schools and 97.6 percent of high schools Thursday operated in a steady mode — the Education and Science Department reported in a report Thursday, Oct. 7, citing data from probation officers.

distance learning It happens more often in kindergarten. On Thursday, 15,385 preschool educational institutions were operating, or 99.7 percent. Percentage of all. Only seven of them worked remotely and 43 were in mixed mode.

On Thursday, 14,060 were also working in stationery elementary schoolsor 97.7%. All and 7622 High schoolor 97.6%. Students of 328 elementary schools and 190 high schools studied, remote technical school, or in a hybrid manner. The last list was provided by education offices.

Distance learning October 7th. Problems in more than 500 schools

The principal of a school or kindergarten may, with the approval of the leading authority and after obtaining a positive opinion from the relevant state health inspector, suspend classes for a specified period and switch to teaching using distance education methods and techniques.

The suspension of classes may apply to a group, department, class or educational stage, as well as to the school or the entire facility in terms of all classes or individual.

RadioZET.pl/PAP – Danuta Starzyńska-Rosiecka, Agata Zbieg

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