Distance learning or hybrid learning continues in more than 500 primary and secondary schools, according to data from school principals submitted Monday, October 11 to the Ministry of Education and Science.

distance learning It is still rare in Polish schools, despite the fact that it is increasing in the fourth wave of the disease
COVID-19. More institutions decide to use hybrid (mixed) education with confirmed infection.

On Monday afternoon, MEiN released the current report on schools’ functioning. It shows that 98.8% Kindergarten Pre-school educational institutions operate in a stable mode. Only in three institutions, classes with children are held remotely, in 32 it is a mixed mode.

Distance learning October 11th. Disruptions in more than 500 schools

In turn, on Monday at more than 14045 elementary schools I 7635 High school There were fixed classes that made up 97.6% and 97.7%, respectively. All ports.

11 primary schools and 7 secondary schools operate remotely. 332 primary schools and 170 secondary schools operate in a mixed system. So in total it is 520 school units for the disabled in science.

The information collected on the basis of data from heads of schools and institutions comes from school principals. In the event that students, pupils or employees of an educational institution become infected with COVID-19, the state health inspector for deaths conducts an epidemiological investigation aimed at identifying the group of people at risk.

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The principal of a school or kindergarten may, with the approval of the leading authority and after obtaining a positive opinion from the relevant state health inspector, suspend classes for a specified period of time and switch to teaching using distance education methods and technologies. The suspension of classes may apply to a group, department, class, or educational stage, as well as to the school or the entire facility in terms of all classes or individual classes.

RadioZET.pl/PAP – Szymon Zdzieśmieowski, Danuta Starzyńska-Rosiecka