Netflix has purchased the worldwide broadcasting rights for director Dev Patel’s debut film The monkey man. Netflix acquired the movie rights for $ 30 million. Academy Award nominee Dev Patel, known for his roles in films such as Slumdog millionaire, Leo, Chubby I am Personal story of David Copperfield He is also starring in a recently completed movie that will be released on Netflix in 2022. Read more about The monkey man We cover Netflix, the story, and the cast of Dev Patel for the first time below.

Director, Dev Patel The monkey man Netflix bought it for $ 30 million

According to the deadline report, the agreement does not cover regions such as Spain, Latin America, Iceland, the former Yugoslavia, Poland, Russia, the Baltic states, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Pan-Asian PTV, and China, where agreements are in place. Concluded. Charlotte Copley will also star in the film, which is set in India (District 9, Chappee) I am Shobita Dhulipala (Made in Heaven, Raman Raghav 2.0) I am Iskandar Khair (Romeo Akbar Walter, Aarya).

In the movie, Dev Patel plays an unusual hero who gets out of prison and takes on the role of a scientist mired in corporate greed and undermining spiritual values ​​to take revenge on those who stole everything from him many years ago. a file If The actor wrote the script with Paul Anjonauela Mumbai Hotel John Cole joined. Dave Patel co-produced the movie opposite Basil Ioannack from Thunder Road, Eric Lee, Jomon Thomas, Sammarth Sahni, Kristin Hibler and Anjay Nagpal. The film is a co-production with BRON Studios (Cut from a woman) Thunder Road Pictures (plik John Wake Movies) in collaboration with Creative Wealth Media (Candy Jay).

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In a press release, Dev Patel said he is “excited” to work with Netflix on the film. He hopes the audience will connect with his story. He said filming during the coronavirus pandemic was a challenge, but being able to reinterpret childhood stories and fill them with a love of action movies was an “absolute pleasure.” Dev Patel admitted The monkey man Producers Basil Iwaniek and Erica Lee supported his project from the start, blaming BRON’s Aaron Gilbert for casting the same voice for an unproven director.

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