We all probably have our own list of the 10 greatest directors in history. In the past 100 years, so many outstanding works have been produced that it seems absurd to limit your ranking to such an arbitrary number of authors. On the other hand, even the most diverse artists made mistakes or just a movie that their fans didn’t like. So, at first glance, ranking the top 10 managers and directors based on their measurable and quantifiable achievements seems like an interesting idea.

The new list, broken down by gender of creators, was created based on the initiative OswichPrepared by her in the context of the recent announcement of the nominations for this year’s Academy Awards. The scores were based on four different variables: number of director/director awards (for IMDb), average critics’ ratings (for Rotten Tomatoes), average viewer ratings (also for Rotten Tomatoes), and global box office performance. Each of these values ​​has real meaning in how we rate the success of a particular movie, and thus also the creators. However, it turned out that they themselves lead to very distorted conclusions.

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