The Academic Freedom Package offers complete freedom in all universities in Poland. We will be a country in Europe with the highest degree of scientific freedom imaginable – said Minister of Education and Science Przemyslav Kzarnik on Thursday.

On Tuesday, the government adopted an amendment to the Higher Education and Science Law, presented by the Minister of Education and Science, the so-called “Freedom Package” or “Academic Freedom Package”. It assumes, inter alia, the fact that academic teachers’ expression of religious, philosophical or philosophical beliefs does not constitute a disciplinary offence.

According to the minister, who appeared on Radio Marija, the academic freedom package was criticized because “once it was freedom for only some, it was for the left-wing, liberal and communist left”.

“Any slogans related to ideology, gender, gay, bisexual, transgender, communist and even Marxist and neo-Marxist outlook can be freely spread in universities, conferences and seminars can be organized. Sometimes in universities or by scholars they are vulgar in our address. That was fine., But if anyone objected to this, they immediately had a so-called explanatory procedure and it was about dozens of scientists in Poland from this side ”- emphasized the head of the Ministry of Education and Science.

Kazarnik added that the vast majority of scholars fell silent, because even if they wanted to defend these people, they were afraid because they could be ostracized.

“The freedom bundle then does not like it, because it offers academic freedoms, because it offers freedom. A man who is not a man of liberty, but a man of despotism, will never like something about real liberty. Therefore, we have this kind of objection ”- said Kazarnik.

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The Minister assessed that the scientific world and the academic world are today saturated with people with a left-wing or liberal-left world view. He stressed that this does not necessarily mean that people with a conservative and Christian world view should be absent from university and will not enjoy their rights.

“We just want everyone to have the same rights. This is the equality we fight for and this is the tolerance we fight for, because those who call so-called equality and so-called tolerance can only impress others in the streets with obscene slogans and behavior Obscene .. cities .. but it has nothing to do with freedom and tolerance “- added Kazarnik (PAP)

Author: Jerzy Rouse

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