Britain has lost its influence since the Brexit referendum and should continue to weaken. That’s what Kai Inoue Lehmann, professor of international relations at the University of São Paulo (USP) thinks at least. According to him, after the Brexit process, other countries would have thought better before leaving the European Union.

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It is reported that the movement is present with national leaders such as Hungary and Poland, but he does not see that these countries want to face the same problems as Britain.

The professor says, “I can’t imagine that these countries know what happened in Britain and say, ‘I want this for my country. “The past four years have shown that the influence of the United Kingdom is declining and will continue to decline.”

According to the professor, Brazil should have no effect on the Brexit ratification. Indeed, the country needs to monitor how the European Union handles its free trade agreement with Mercosur – and whether the UK is prepared to negotiate on its own. “Politically, I don’t think the professor will change dramatically immediately.”

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