• It was supposed to be a relay to win medals at the biggest events. After they became world champions and broke the world record in a hall, everything collapsed. Today there is not much left with the team’s gold
  • The task at the Silesian Stadium in Khorezov was simple. Not many good teams came, so there was a great chance of Olympic qualification. Instead, there was a profession. “We are depressed,” – Carol Zalewski admitted
  • The Poles still have sporting opportunities. At the moment, the score they achieved during the qualifying period gives them an upgrade to the Olympics, but it can all change many times over.
  • More of these stories can be found on the Onet.pl homepage

The task seemed simple, because the unofficial world championships held at the Silesian Stadium in Khorezov were not attended by a few big teams. So that was enough to qualify for the finals. Then the Olympic tickets will be in the pockets of our athletes. Unfortunately, in the final in a row, Italian Vladimir Assetti overtook Karol Zalowski and the White Reds would be missed in Sunday’s final. Just 0.23 seconds was short of bliss.

Not surprisingly, the Poles sat long after the race, staring with stray eyes at an unknown destination.