Apex Legends has hit the switch for the Nintendo Switch, but the production receives very poor reviews. The creators of Panic Button didn’t try their best to get the release ready for the Nintendo console. The most important aspect of the game is supposed to fail.

Apex Legends landed on the Nintendo Switch this week And although the experienced panic button was responsible for the production, we cannot speak of exceptional results. We already knew there would be some limitations as well We heard low-resolution details, But the first reviews leave no doubt.

Battle Royale looks bad, which greatly affects gameplay – Remote opponents are hard to spot. Apex Legends also has a big problem at 30 FPS and The dips are very steep. In addition, it is better to turn off cross-play, as other platforms have a strong advantage – Due to better visibility, smoother gameplay, and ability to play, for example, with a mouse and keyboard. There are new title bugs that you won’t encounter on other platforms.

Journalists assure that we are arriving here “Apex Legends Portable” with a really large group of different characters, and the title of Respawn Entertainment itself does not disappoint, but the aforementioned flaws greatly affect the experience.

Here are the first Apex Legends reviews on the Nintendo Switch:

  • 65 – Jeuxvideo.com
  • 65 – Multiplayer.it
  • 60- Pocket tactics
  • 50- Nintendo Live
  • 40 – Gameblog.fr

Have you had the chance to play? I originally wanted to try it, but now I don’t know if it makes sense to download the production.

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