A UFO has been spotted in the heart of the Milky Way. It sent wireless signals and then they disappeared. It was not visible under X-rays or infrared. It reappeared suddenly, a year after it was first discovered, but disappeared again within a day. The discovery was made by Prof. Ziteng Wang from the University of Sydney.

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These are not foreigners

Tara Murphy, who heads Wang’s research team, said Australian scientists don’t know what the mystery is or why it behaves this way. But she is definitely no ordinary star. Tara Murphy is also sure that these are not strange signals because the signals would cover a much narrower frequency range than “human” radios.

Scientists concluded that these could be radio signals from the center of the galaxy (called GCRT).

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Signals from the center of the galaxy?

GCRTs have been a mystery for decades. No one knows what kind of star can produce these unique signals. Every GCRT is different, leading researchers to believe that they are not the same kind of thing.

Telescopes first began observing the center of the Milky Way in the 1990s. But a strange signal from the center of the galaxy was discovered only at the beginning of the 21st century, when the research team Scott Hyman was studying the archive of data from the radio telescope. The signal grew stronger and then faded away.

During about 10 years of searching, scientists have found another GCRT. However, their discovery did not shed much light on the mystery. Some theories exist, but no satisfying theories. GCRTs can be neutron stars or pulsars that orbit in groups of two or three. These pulsars can be moribund – along with their energy debris, they emit erratic radio signals.

The Australian Observatory continues to monitor the galactic center, among other things, for GCRT signals. There may be an opportunity to gather more information about it in the currently built network of radio telescopes with a square kilometer array. in Australia and South Africa. Its construction is scheduled to be completed in 2028.

source: businessinsider.com

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