April 25th is International Parental Alienation Awareness Day. Therefore, the association “Our Children Together Against Family Alienation” organized an activity in the city center. In this way, we create a safe space for single parents and families to express their feelings for children with whom we have nothing to do or with whom our participation in upbringing has been reduced to the level of “vision”. Drawing hearts under the windows of our children in chalk is seen by single parents as persecution, harassment, destruction of property and a cause for shame. – Inform the organizers.

The hearts drawn in chalk that will soon be submerged in water are symbolic of the difficult parental love of single families. Through this action, we want to expand the knowledge about this very difficult problem that degrades the psyche of children and families – They added.

The organizers invited all Pozna residents to take part in the campaign. Everyone has the opportunity to draw a large chalk heart themselves. There was also an opportunity to talk to people who were going through this very difficult family situation.

You will be able to draw hearts until the fountain is immersed in water, that is, until the beginning of May.

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