Hawk-e from the capital group Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa has implemented an ICT system for coordinating drone flights, which is already in use by the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency, and is also working on finding new solutions to manage domestic drone traffic.

In the JSW press release on Tuesday, it was emphasized that the JSW capital group is developing in several directions, with an emphasis on modernity, so it is participating in the European Union programs related to the U-Space (integration of manned and unmanned flight) and smart city domains. Projects related to IT solutions for unmanned aircraft are being implemented by Hawk-e, a special purpose vehicle of JSW Innowacje.

Hawk-e is a specialist in providing PansaUTM and DTM systems. The first ensures the digital coordination of drones and the management of requests and approvals for flights in Polish airspace. This system has been approved by the Civil Aviation Authority, and the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency implemented it last year in its airports.

According to previous information from PANSA, PansaUTM is a concept for digital coordination of unmanned aerial vehicles and application management and approvals for flights in Polish airspace, which consists of agency-owned operational solutions and a system part provided by technology partner Hawk-e, integrated with most UAVs Popular among aircraft operators in Poland with the DroneRadar app.

According to JSW, Hawk-e DroneRadar-powered PansaUTM simplifies operator drone traffic management via a control system with priority for manned aircraft. The system provides, among other things, the communication between the air traffic controller in the tower and the drone operator. The operator can quickly check flight options, submit flight plan and get approval to fly.

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As PANSA previously reported, PansaUTM air traffic controllers are provided with information about planned drone flights near airports, as well as the possibility of issuing permits for such flights, as is the case with manned flight.

According to Tuesday’s information, JSW Hawk-e has also implemented another DTM (UAV Traffic Management) solution in the “core” area, that is, providing the basis for building (according to customer requirements) domestic surveillance and traffic management systems for UAVs aerial vehicles.

“DTM Hawk-e allows you to inform a specific local area manager about flights planned and coordinated by PANSA and all other flights made directly in the airspace of a designated manager. The Hawk-e system allows data integration from, among other things, GPS systems For ground and air radar systems like ADS-B, FLARM, OGN and terrain information, which are the basis for safe flight planning, ”- JSW announced Tuesday.

The DTM product has already been tested in search of an end-to-end solution for healthcare organizations, as it allows to designate a “corridor” in airspace where drones can fly by transporting medical materials.

“This allows, among other things, to shorten the transportation of these substances by up to 50-60%, which was demonstrated during the test flight of an unmanned aerial vehicle between the Silesian Cardiology Center in Zaberzi and the Upper Silesian Rehabilitation Center for General Jerzy Ziek in Tarnovsky in Mountains in December of last year. In this case, the system will save human life, ”- pointed out the head of Hook-e Jaroslaw Kraszewski, quoting information from Jästzopska Spolka.

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On Tuesday, JSW also announced that Hawk-e is implementing a project assuming automatic metering flights to the company’s factories, for example carbon measurements in landfills.